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How to make walking with your family more fun"

Family walks can be a chore getting the kids ready packing for every eventuality but here how to make family walks more fun

Family walks

Do you ever feel like the only time that your family is walking together is when they are in a stroller? I know that I do. That's why I'm here to show you how to make walking more fun for everyone! It will put some extra pep in your step, and it'll help keep those little ones busy while you get moving.

Step 1: Put on music or an audiobook with something fast-paced. This way, kids can't really complain about being bored by the sound of their own breathing (which can be pretty difficult to deal with).

Step 2: Find different things along the way to talk about and have them guess what they are - this will also teach them new words to

step 3: Take turns choosing the route. -Challenge each other to see who can walk the farthest without stopping. -Invite friends or neighbors to join you on walks."

step 4 :Get rid of all distractions like phones, tablets, TV - anything that might take their attention away from what's happening outside

step 5 : Give them something to do while walking- whether it's counting steps or collecting leaves along the way

step 6 : adding any type of competition or even a bribe lol eg a treat when they get home or have walked a certain distance will motivate them to keep walking even if they would otherwise stop.

step 7 : Stay away from busy streets like Main Street where there will be cars and other people who might want to stop you -Use sidewalks that have trees or fences on both sides because then no one will try to talk to you while you're walking

Step 8 : Have snacks at hand in case anyone gets hungry during the walk

There are so many benefits to walking with your family, and after reading this list of 8 tips on how to do it right, you’ll never go back. Walking is great for health and wellness; we can all agree that more time outdoors does a body good! If you want the best possible experience without too much hassle (or cost), here are some suggestions: -Start by picking up maps from local trails or city parks. These will show where there's parking available, which direction the trail leads in terms of scenery, distance traveled per mile and what kind of terrain might be encountered along the way such as hills or rivers. This information helps people plan their own route before they start out on their walk together.

while family walks can be great fun these are some of the things you might need for that big adventure

Family walks

1: snacks, and drinks,

2 : comfortable shoes, you can get a great selection of family walking shoes on Amazon

3: hats for all the family ( this is where we come in here at j and p hats we have a great selection of hats for all your family walks )

4 : jackets. For all the family. View a great range of jacket for all the family on Amazon

5. : And don’t forget your camera! to capture those unforgettable family moments. if you need a family camera amazon have a great selection

these tips contain some affiliate links

Walking with the family can be great fun and great exercise for all the family. It’s also a terrific way to spend time together, bond as a unit, and get some fresh air in your lungs. So lace up those shoes and hit the pavement!

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